INCENTIVE’s first in-person Annual Consortium meeting (10th-11th October, 2023)

INCENTIVE’s first in-person Annual Consortium meeting took place in Frankfurt from October 10th-11th, 2023 at the NH Collection Frankfurt Spin Tower. The meeting was attended by Consortium members from Europe, US and India and focused on providing a current update on the status of the project and all the different work packages. Two members of the INCENTIVE SEAB, namely Prof. N. K. Ganguly and Prof. Indrani Gupta also attended this meeting.

INCENTIVE Consortium Meeting picture
INCENTIVE Consortium Meeting picture

INCENTIVE Annual Consortium Meeting (27th September, 2022)

The virtual annual consortium meeting took place on September 27th, 2022. All six members of the INCENTIVE SEAB, namely Prof. N. K. Ganguly, Dr. B. Sesikeran Prof. Indrani Gupta, Dr. Odile Leroy, Prof. Roger Le Grand and Prof. David Smith attended. The meeting prodominantly focused on presentations of the different work packages and the results obtained so far.


INCENTIVE Annual Consortium Meeting (12th May, 2021)

The virtual annual consortium meeting took place on May 12th, 2021. The agenda included an overview of the results obtained so far by the project partners as well as discussion of plans for the next 6-12 months. Three members of the INCENTIVE Scientific and Ethical Advisory board (SEAB), namely Prof. N. K. Ganguly, Dr. B. Sesikeran and Prof. David Smith, also attended this virtual meeting.


INCENTIVE Kick-off Meeting (24th March, 2020)

The INCENTIVE consortium conducted its online kick-off meeting on March 24th, 2020. This meeting was an opportunity for all partners to get to know each other better and the agenda included introductory presentations of project related topics and work packages.


INCENTIVE Zenodo Community

On March 27th, 2021 the project established a Zenodo Community for providing open access to the project's results.


INCENTIVE Scientific and Ethical Advisory Board

The Scientific and Ethical Advisory Board (SEAB) is a consultative body composed of international interdisciplinary experts whose role is to provide external review and monitoring on the conduct the project to achieve a maximum impact in scientific, technological and health terms, as well as in compliance to the highest ethical standard. Find here the current members of the INCENTIVE SEAB.